I had tried to find the man because I had heard he was a problem solver and I had a problem that needed to be solved.
Niokala needs to be found and removed. She needs to be dealt with. With her gone, there is no possibility of the curse finishing its cycle and removing me and destroying my family's estate. It is time for her to be taken and locked away. Life is well with Father and Mother gone and with Elghrinn now in my life. He has even helped the kingdom to see that I'm not a terrible person. The kingdom respects me now, and I would dare say they even adore me. They are not pleased with my decision to marry the murderer, though. At least, those that know have fully expressed their concern.
But this is not about me. Oh, no, it was never about me. It is all about that filthy wretch of a child. I now regret being the one to beg father to kick her out of the house, let her fend on her own. Perhaps if I kept her here, my darling assassin would have killed her as well, taking pity on the filthy creature. He certainly would have if I asked him now.
Taking the time to think about it, I suddenly wonder if it wasn't she who started all this. Surely there is some correlation between her leaving and the murder that ensued three days later. It doesn't matter. At this point, all that matters is finding that wretch. Elghrinn expected this. That awful man did not desire to even hear my offer. And so tonight I am saddling my finest steed and I, alone, shall go off in search of this spawn of the underworld.