As soon as she realized what was laying there on the ground, she knew it was too late. Her hands, in near desperate attempt to remove the nightmare that she was just forced into seeing, clapped to her face. She was soon viciously digging and clawing at her eyes until a thin glove of blood coated her fingers. Her face squirmed and contorted in pain as her mouth writhed, opening and gaping, yet the terrified screams of her nightmare were latched silently away, unable to be released. The screams were so tightly wedged that even her own breath refused entry to or past her lips. Finally her knees buckled under her before breaking down and giving way, causing her to topple upon the sweet smelling grass that burned beneath her skin. Quivering fingers finally pulled away, her eyes becoming more sunken, just sockets of their former selves. The blood began beading up like tears as her hands clasped into tight balled fists, shaking. Her visage took on the appearance of someone who had just been attacked by crows.
Her vision, now absent, the feeling of her head tilted upward and she knew she was missing the wings that for so long had blocked the sun's rays as she followed in desperation. The journey was over. She was at the end of the trail and there was no prize waiting for her Her head throbbed as her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.